Friday 9 May 2014

Busy B's get Busy!

Fiona and her lovely Education Dog Jake recently visited Busy B's childcare in Loughshinny, Co. Dublin.  Fiona and Jake visited two groups of pre-school aged children who picked from flashcards all the different items that dogs need to be healthy and happy - they learned that dogs need a lead and collar, but definitely not chocolate!
The children also learned the WALT method of how to safely pet a dog with the owner's permission:
W - Walk slowly up to the dog's owner.
A - Ask if you can pet the dog.
L - Let the dog sniff your closed fist.
T - Touch the dog where the owner says it is ok to pet him/her.
Thanks to Brenda and all the staff and children at Busy B's for a lovely visit.  Don't forget, you can see if you can avail of a FREE Dogs Trust Educational Workshop by contacting .
Photo: Last week Fiona from 'Dogs Trust' came to visit us with her fabulous dog 'Jake' and taught us how to care for a dog. I'm too tired to think of a really witty caption for the photo so maybe someone can do this for me!!!!!!!

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